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Herrietako jaiak
Xabier Lekuona
Patxi Larrion
Hasier Etxeberria
Jose Ramon Beloki
Martxelo Otamendi
Alberto Barandiaran
Beatriz Zabalondo
Ainhoa, Eva, Leire eta Agus
Pili Mendibil
Bego Montorio
Txema Egiguren


Euskal Herria 2015

88. min


Director: Eriz Zapirain

Executive Producer/s: Iñaki Uria

Screenplay: Eriz Zapirain
Director of Photography: Juantxo Sardon

Sound: Juanlu Eguzkiza
Music: Napoka Hiria




In 2003, the Spanish Government closed Egunkaria, the only newspaper published entirely in Basque. The newspaper was closed, and the members of the management committee, accused of belonging to ETA, were tortured. The trial was held seven years later and the accusations proved to have no basis, all the defendants were acquitted. But this documentary isn’t about that painful injustice; it’s about the exciting creation of the first newspaper in the Basque language.

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